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Coalition Weekly Digest (14-20 October)

Thank You for March

First and foremost, thank you to all the participants in yesterday’s march. We, the Georgian people, once again expressed our clear vision — we chose the European Union!


Regarding the observation mission "My Vote" and its monitoring activities: In total, 4,200 citizens have reached out to us, and as a result of the selection process, approximately 2,000 observers will be monitoring the elections. We have conducted around 50 training sessions, which are still ongoing. Our observers and mobile teams will monitor the elections in every electoral district. We are coordinated with local observation organizations to collectively ensure the protection of every vote.

Additionally, we would like to announce that on October 25, the observation mission "My Vote" will present its assessment report on the pre-election environment.

Illegal Use of Personal Data

During this pre-election period, a significant issue has emerged regarding the illegal collection and use of voters' personal data by the ruling party, including sensitive personal information. The ruling party is gaining access to personal data held exclusively by state institutions. It appears that voter data is being transferred from state institutions to the ruling party, making it easier to manipulate voters.

Despite numerous reports from the media and opposition parties about illegal handling or misuse of personal data, and despite our calls for the Personal Data Protection Service and the Special Investigation Service to fulfill their roles in the pre-election process, we have yet to hear any explanation regarding the response, inspections, or investigations carried out by these bodies.

Confiscation of ID Cards

Another issue is the confiscation of voter ID cards. Dozens of citizens have reported such incidents to our coalition. In these cases, despite the media and opposition parties sharing information about threats and blackmail being used to confiscate ID cards, and the involvement of law enforcement and other public officials in these processes, the responsible investigative bodies – specifically, the Special Investigation Service and the Prosecutor’s Office – have made no statements regarding any actions taken in response to these incidents.

The confiscation of ID cards can't have any noble intent. The information available raises reasonable suspicions that the purpose of confiscating ID cards is to obstruct voters from exercising their will, influence voter choices, and through the use of confiscated IDs, allow other individuals to vote and thus falsify the elections. All of these crimes fall under Article 162 (Obstruction of the Exercise of Voting Rights - under the Special Investigation Service), Article 1641 (Voter Bribery - under the Prosecutor's Office), and Article 1644 (Influence on Voter’s Will - under the Special Investigation Service). We call on both investigative bodies to immediately launch investigations and provide the public with information on the progress. The widespread reports in the media confirm that these incidents are prevalent. With only one week remaining until the elections, the inaction of the investigative bodies severely undermines voters' rights to express their true will in the elections.

Inaction of the Anti-Corruption Agency

Just like the investigative bodies, the Anti-Corruption Bureau has also remained inactive. Despite our calls for the past three weeks for the Bureau to investigate the ruling party’s funding and donors, many of whom have benefited from millions of lari in public procurement contracts, we have not received any explanation or information regarding any actions taken in response.

Use of Administrative Resources

The ruling party continues to use state-funded events for election campaigning, which is prohibited and constitutes a violation of Georgia’s election laws.

Moreover, election commissions are staffed by employees of local councils, municipalities, and municipal companies who are supporters of the “Georgian Dream” party, along with their family members.

Disinformation About the Secrecy of Voting

A disinformation campaign is being actively spread, including in public institutions, falsely claiming that electronic voting is not secret. The circulation of such lies only serves the interests of the ruling party and has no connection to reality. We clarify that the vote-counting machines and voter verification devices are not connected. The current electronic voting procedure fully ensures the secrecy of your vote. Therefore, we encourage you to express your choice freely – in line with your true will.

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