Evaluation of ongoing voting procedures 17:00
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Evaluation of ongoing voting procedures 17:00

The coalition observation mission of Georgian civil organizations - "My Vote" is observing the elections of the Parliament of Georgia on October 26 in all electoral districts throughout Georgia. The mission unites about 2000 people, among them, 150 citizens are involved in observing election stations opened abroad. The observers of the coalition observe the election process throughout Georgia in all electoral districts as well as in the CEC. 133 mobile groups are working in 73 electoral districts. During the day, observers regularly provide us with information about the process at the polling stations on election day, as well as about specific violations and incidents.

We present the results of the observation based on the information received from our observers regarding the voting process from 11:00 to 15:00.

Key Findings

The voting process in Kvemo Kartli, Shida Kartli, as well as in many other election constituencies, is taking place in the context of physical violence, pressure against observers and media representatives, interference with the implementation of observation, as well as violation of the secrecy of voting, non-fulfillment of the obligation of marking and essential violation of the voter verification process. An increasing trend of election violations was also observed in Samegrelo and Tbilisi.

By 16:00 we had received information from 1227 districts. According to the information provided by the observers to "My Vote" during the period from 11:00 until 15:00:

●      The marking rule was violated or constituents voted without marking - in 70 precincts;

●      Secrecy of voting was violated - in 47 precincts;

●      Unauthorized persons were present in - 139 areas;

●      Cases of physical confrontation/threats/violence were recorded in 38 districts;

●      At the polling stations, where voting is conducted using electronic technologies, various types of errors related to electronic technologies were detected in 133 stations, and in 92 stations, the electronic procedures were not clear and understandable for voters, due to which the voting process was delayed;

●      Also, violations of voter verification through the verification machine were detected in 11 precincts;

●      "My Vote" observers were prevented from observing in 61 precincts. large numbers - in Shida Kartli, in particular, in Kareli, Kaspi, Gori, as well as in Kvemo Kartli, in particular in Marneuli and Bolnisi; as well as in Tbilisi, non-implementation of the marking/checking procedure, interference with the observation of the verification process, malfunction of the marking fluid/apparatus were identified.

The severity and number of election violations in Shida Kartli and Kvemo Kartli, which included failure to conduct the marking/checking procedure, obstructing the observation of the verification process, malfunctioning of the marking fluid/device, as well as violence against observers and expulsion from the precincts, together create a reasonable suspicion of systematic election manipulations in these regions. In the same regions, cases of violation of the secrecy of voting were identified as a problem.

Preventing our observers from observing the verification machines for the purpose of identifying suspicious voters, especially in Shida Kartli, remains a systemic and widespread problem.

Informal registration of voters' personal turnout has been recorded outside the precinct buildings, using the personal data of voters by the coordinators of the ruling party, "Georgian Dream". This practice is illegal and represents the means to control the manifestation of the will of the voters.

There have been cases of members of the local commissions hinting to voters to vote in favor of the "Georgian Dream".

At the moment, voter turnout is high compared to previous parliamentary elections. There are queues at almost all polling stations. Voter turnout is particularly high at polling stations opened abroad.

At the moment, the voting in the 69th polling station of Marneuli has been suspended due to the ballots being stuffed in the electoral box, which was recorded by the observer of the coalition. Despite the damage to the equipment of the polling station, the election process continues in the 23rd polling station of Baghdati.

At the moment, in relation to the violations observed at the polling stations, 184 complaints have been filed in the Precinct Election Commission, 27 in the District Election Commission, and 133 notes have been recorded in the record books.

Remarkable incidents:

●      Physical violence/threats/pressure

An unidentified type of gas was released in the 74th precinct of ​​the 22nd district of Marneuli, which caused severe irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract. Before that, our observer in the same district was not given an opportunity to observe the election process. He was threatened with physical violence.

At the moment, the voting process has been suspended at the 69th polling station of Marneuli, where the coalition observer was forced to leave the polling station using physical force. Violence was committed against the coalition observer when he was recording the fact of putting ballots in the ballot box with a video camera.

Chaotic disorder prevailed around the 60th, 59th and 58th precincts of the 10th district of Gldani, Tbilisi, during which unmarked voters were most likely admitted into the precinct. The observer who tried to photograph the above was threatened with physical violence.

In the 50th area of ​​Marneuli (22.50) our observers are not allowed to observe and are being threatened with physical violence. The author of the threat is Iman Ismalov with the status of a local observer and an unidentified person without a badge. Our observer was expelled from the district under the pretext of recording violations.

●      Cases of passing more than one ballot and putting it in the box

In the last 2 hours, there were 23 cases of issuing more than one ballot per voter. Cases of issuing more than one ballot were recorded in the 2nd precinct of the 64th district in Samegrelo, in the 14th, 15th, 17th districts in Kakheti, in the 20th district in Kvemo Kartli, in the 79th, 81st and 83rd districts in Adjara, Tbilisi. In districts, in Racha-Lechkhumi - 47 districts, in Samtskhe Javakheti - 37th and 39th districts, in Shida Kartli - 32 districts.

Two ballots were slipped into the vote counting machine in the 8th precinct of the 2nd district of Tbilisi.

In the 3rd precinct of the 81st district, the voter colored one specific subject instead of the test, to which the registrar did not respond.

●      Illegal restriction of observer/representative/media rights

In various regions, observers were still unable to observe the voting process. In particular: in the 8th and 9th election precincts of the 32nd district of Gori, the observer is not allowed to approach the verification machines and also, on the instructions of the chairman of the commission, to move within the precinct.

After the opening of election precincts, about ten incidents of verbal and physical abuse of journalists were recorded. Journalists of TV Pirveli and Mtavari Channel were verbally abused while covering the election process. In Akhmeta, the editor-in-chief of "Mtis Ambebi" Gela Mtivlishvili and his colleague were prevented from filming and verbally insulted, including, according to the journalist, "spat on them". At polling station #2 in Kutaisi, CNews journalist was allegedly physically assaulted by "Georgian Dream" activists. Their irritation was caused by the lists found by the journalist, where personal data of citizens were recorded. An observer allegedly supporting "Georgian Dream" verbally insulted the journalists of Radio "Marneuli" at the N7 polling station of Marneuli. An attack was carried out on the filming crew of TV First in Kvemo Khodashen, Kakheti. In Kakheti, supporters of "Georgian Dream" allegedly attacked the camera crew of "Mtavari Channel".

According to Article 154 of the Criminal Code, it is a crime to illegally interfere with a journalist's professional activities.

●      Violation of secrecy of voting

Three people entered the voting booth simultaneously at the 27th precinct in Kareli. The observer who noticed this violation was threatened with expulsion.

In Kareli 12th and Khashuri 23rd precincts, the frame envelopes are short and the colored choice of the voters can be identified, while in 12th precinct of Kareli, voters, despite the registrar's instructions, color the candidate outside the booths.

In the 19th district of Bolnisi, there were dozens of cases of violation of the privacy of the voice. Voting secrecy was violated in three precincts in Senaki (15th, 68th, 13th precincts), in two precincts in Zugdidi (59th, 55th precincts) and in one (6th) precinct in Chkhorotsku.

A voter took a photo of the ballot in the 22nd precinct of Gori. In three precincts of Bolnisi (4th, 17th and 23rd) voting booths are covered with additional cardboard, which makes it impossible for the voter to observe possible photography.

In the 16th precinct of Kaspi, an observer of the "International Observatory of advocates and Lawyers" follows voters to the ballot box and tries to record who they voted for. Similarly, in Marneuli, in the 30th precinct, the representative of "Georgian Dream" followed the voter into the booth, and in the 16th precinct, the chairman of the commission did the same.

●      Failure to check marking and voting without marking

There have been cases of marking fluid/flashlight failure as well as incorrect marking. The marking fluid or flashlight was broken in 9 precinct election commissions in the 5th, 6th and 10th election districts of Tbilisi. In two election precincts of the 33rd district of Kareli, there were cases of non-checking of markings. In the 14th district of Marneuli and the 23rd district of Bolnisi, there were multiple cases of non-checking of markings.

In the 30th electoral district of Kaspi, the registrar did not mark the voters in two different precincts. In the 48th election precinct of the 32nd district of Gori, the marking fluid is not visible when checked with an ultraviolet flashlight. A similar problem was observed in the 20th district of Zugdidi (67th district).

●      Irregularities in the voter verification process

Individually, one registrar at the 28th polling station in the 33rd district of Kareli only accepted voters with passports. At the same registrar, a case was detected when the verification machine issued an audible alarm, which indicated the need to verify the data of the arriving voter against the list, however, the registrar did not allow the observer to check the data of the verification machine. The observer is not being given the opportunity to observe the verification process from a close distance.

Similarly, at the 48th precinct of Marneuli, our observer noticed a voter with a personal number in his passport. Instead, voters wanted to use it to vote. When the observer promised to take a photo-video of this fact, one of the members of the commission left the voting building by means of physical influence. After he returned to the precinct, the commission expelled him from the precinct on grounds of obstruction.

In Gardabani precinct 21, our observer observed 15 repeated voting attempts. Our observers turned away potential falsifications in all cases.

●      Handing out a pre-colored ballot

The facts of handing colored ballot papers to the voters were recorded in the 10th precinct of the 67th district of Zugdidi, the 11th precinct of the 48th district of Imereti and the 2nd precinct of Chkhorotsku (69th district).

According to Article 162 of the Criminal Code, it is a crime to obstruct the exercise of the will in an election, referendum or plebiscite.

●      Agitation by members of the commission

A separate fact of pressure on voters was revealed at the 77th and 7th election precincts of the 32nd district of Gori, where registrars suggest to voters to vote for "Georgian Dream".

In the 44th precinct of the 22nd district of Marneuli, the registrars were pointing to the voters to circle number 41 while handing over the ballot. Also, the member of the commission in the 36th precinct in Marneuli advises the voters to vote for "Georgian Dream". The situation is the same in the 56 precincts of the 23rd district of Bolnisi, where a member of the commission instructs other members to vote for 41.

●      Defects in the operation of electronic technologies

Technical malfunctions continue to be a challenge in Samegrelo, where voting was halted due to malfunctioning voting machines in precinct 14 of district 67 of Zugdidi. The devices are out of order. Similarly, in the 59th precinct of Zugdidi, the machines were out of order from 12:15 p.m., due to which the voting process was stopped. Also, the verification machine was out of order in the 24th precinct of the 67th district of Zugdidi. Similarly, in the 20th precinct of the 66th district of Khobi, the voting machine was out of order, it was opened and resealed.

●      Damage/abduction of election materials

A video showing the raid of the 23rd district of Baghdati was disseminated. Coalition observers confirm that after the crackdown, the commission continued the voting process and voters cast their votes through 1 electronic vote counting machine.

●      Presence of unauthorized persons at the polling station

A fake badge was used in the 14th precinct in the 66th electoral district of Senaki.

In Chkhorotsku, at the 10th precinct of the 69th district and at the 11th election precinct of the 67th district in Zugdidi, repeated attempts to enter to vote were recorded.

●      Issuance of more than one ballot

In single precincts of Gori district 32, Kareli district 33 and Khashuri district 35, there were cases of issuing two ballots to voters in each district. The same was observed in two (3rd and 23rd) precincts of Zugdidi and one (3rd) precinct of Khobi.

●      Information received from foreign areas

High turnout and queues of voters are recorded at precincts opened abroad across Europe. High turnout has not been adequately prepared for taking into consideration the arrangement of voting buildings. Commissions are unable to adequately handle the flow of voters. There is a similar picture in Paris, Berlin, Prague, Brussels, Madrid, Frankfurt am Main, London, Stuttgart. The situation is particularly difficult in Madrid, where the layout of the building further disrupts the queues. Citizens have to stand in line for 2 hours.

In Milan, the marking flashlight broke. Also, the voter who came to the precinct, who is in the list on the CEC website, was not in the table list of the local precinct and could not vote. A similar case was observed in Berlin.

In some cases, for example in Athens, there is not enough space at the polling stations, which leads to chaos, tension and observers being limited in their ability to observe.

So far, the observers have written two complaints about the 25th district of Prague and the 38th district of Athens. 3 notes recorded in the record books in Milan and Frankfurt.

Observers of the observation mission "My Vote" will provide us with photos of the summary report throughout the night, which will be published step by step and will be publicly available on the website Wevote.ge. On the same website, photos of the preliminary results of the voting sent by our observers (consolidated final report) from the polling stations where the elections are held using electronic technologies will be available. The publication of the extract of the preliminary results and the photos of the summary reports on the "My Vote" website allows any citizen to verify the correspondence of the data officially recorded by the CEC with the official documents obtained by the observers at the precincts.

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